Thursday, April 29, 2010

Shelly's Images - This week's TTT Challenge

Happy Survivor Thursday!!!  My best friend Shelly and I LOVE Survivor (so do our hubbies), so every week we look forward to Thursday's episode.  I heard today that we only have a few more episodes before the finale - Hmmm, what will we do until the next season starts?!  lol
Speaking of my best friend Shelly - because today is Thursday that means a Terrifically Thrilling Thursday Challenge at Shelly's Images.
Stop by and check out the challenge - it's a thinking outside the box kind of challenge - here's my take on it - I've had these images from Shelly's Images for quite sometime.  The Elephant image is called "Balancing Act".  The circus tent is a freebie that you can pick up at Shelly's Images Store.  I've got another idea floating around in my head (it struck me about 3 this morning) that I might give a try tonight......
Images - Shelly's Images - Balancing Act & Freebie Tent
Papers - Yellow, Orange & Black CS; Stripe - DCWV, dotted - no idea it's been in my stash that long
Technique - MCPT
Other Stuff - Doodling, Drywall mesh, Dimensionals & Computer generated sentiment.
The inside of the card says "You should Join The CIRCUS!"
Thanks so much for stopping by this morning.  If you have a few minutes, stop over to Shelly's blog and join us for fun and inspiration.  We'd love to have you!
Happy Craftin'!

Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Paper Craft Blog Hop

In my daily blog hopping, I found this neat Paper Craft blog hop that is going on.
Want to join in?
Start here and add your link to the inklinkz tool, and then add the HTML code below, to a new blog post on you blog

The list will automatically update with the next people who join.
Paper Crafts blog hop!
1. Add your blog!
2. Copy the script below and paste it on your blog post while in HTML view.

Paper Crafts blog hop!
1. Add your blog!

2. Copy the script below and paste it on your blog post while in HTML view
<script src=></script>

(Linkup closed)

Hope you all play along!
Hoping for some productivity tonight as there wasn't much last night.
Be sure to join us tomorrow too at Shelly's Images for this week's Terrifically Thrilling Thursday Challenge!
Happy Craftin'!

Monday, April 26, 2010

Shelly's Images - New Release - Sunflowers

How perfect is this Marvelous Monday New Release from Shelly's Images??  Absolutely perfect for SOOOO many different cards!  This one is a bit of a support card for a friend of a friend battling breast cancer right now, but for more ideas, check out Shelly's Images blog and check out the sunshiney card Marion did!  To get one of your own, visit Shelly's Images Store - if you stop by today, you can take advantage of the Marvelous Monday New Release discount.  RUN, dont' walk!!  :o)
Image - Shelly's Images - Sunflowers
Technique - MCPT
Papers - All from my stash (that printed paper is O-L-D....not just old lookin'!).  Yellow, blue, black & kraft Cadstock I had layin' around (yep, still tryin to use up some of this stash I've accumulated).
Other Stuff - EK Success Punch (big fan of this new punch), Chestnut Roan Ink, Computer generated Sentiment usint multiple fonts and Drywall Seam Tape - Yup, I raided my hubby's tool box for this one the white textured area is actually drywall seam tape...I think I've found a new home improvement product to add to my studio!!  :)))
Thanks so much for stoppin by today - I always love hearing from you all - your comments mean so much!
Happy Craftin' - I hope you have a wonderful day!!

Sunday, April 25, 2010

Birthday Birthday, Dad's Celebrating a Birthday

I've seen the joy fold cards so many times and never made one, until now.  I thought it would be neat to do this fun one for my dad who is celebrating #65 this Thursday.  It was really fun to try something other than the standard card.  :)
Here's an inside kind of funky shot -
Image - Doodle Dragon Designs
Paper - Cardstock from my stash - birthday printed papers from Hobby Lobby
Technique - Magic Colored Pencil Technique
Other Stuff - Stickles, puffy cupcake stickers, Studio G Happy Brithday Stamp
Thanks so much for stopping by today!  I hope you're having a terrific weekend.  It's a bit rainy here, so today will likely be a scrappy & movie kind of day.
Be sure to stop by Shelly's Images tomorrow for a great new release.  You'll be sure to love it!
Happy Craftin'

Saturday, April 24, 2010

Earth Day

I thought I'd quickly share the Earth Day card I did for my nephew - - - a few days late (I've been having issues with photobucket for some reason......).  You can always tell it's for my nephew by the Purple 'Dinosaurs'/Dragon.  Gosh, hopefully when he finds another animal love, I sure hope I can find fun images for it!  :)
Image - Doodle Dragon Studios - Earth Day Freebie
Paper - All from my stash
Technique - MCPT
Miscellaneous - Doodling, Green Pipe Cleaner & Computer generated sentiment
Thanks so much for stoppin' by today! 
We're in for a wet weekend this weekend, so we'll be puttering around the house since it'll be too wet to do any of the work we have on our list at the farm.  Maybe next weekend!  Heck, maybe I'll even get a layout or two whipped up this weekend!  Happy Weekend!!
Happy Craftin'!

Friday, April 23, 2010


I had fully intended to post this last night, but we got wrapped up in Survivor (STILL can't believe JT got voted off with 2 idols at tribal council - DOH!!) and the NFL Draft. My hubby was so excited that the Lions actually got what we think will be a great player. He's already planning on the Lions going to the play-offs and talking about season tickets.....or at least tickets to ONE game this season! LOL  He's even stoked that today is DAY 2 of the NFL Draft!  We're about due for a good football team, but of course, time will tell.
Okay, enough TV and Football Talk!  :)
So, yesterday was my Tutorial Thursday Challenge over at Scrap-Friendzy and lately, I've been playing with paint.  Messy but OH SO FUN!!  And because yesterday was EARTH DAY, it was only fitting to play with paint on something that would most of the time go into the garbage.......PLASTIC packaging.  In our house, we save and recycle lots of things (heck, I even recycle egg cartons and make palm trees from them - lol).  Anyway, I've been playing with the plastic & paint.  Like Wednesday's card, I used the stiff packaging plastic with an embossing folder and some paint on the Depends card.
Yesterday I thought I'd add some stamping to the plastic and see what happens!  Turns out I LOVE the result (I've got a few layouts in mind I'm going to work on this weekend using this technique).  WOO HOO! 
Okay, so enough blah blah blah, here's the card - if you want step by step instructions, join us over at Scrap-Friendzy - we've got terrific challenges Monday thru Friday, great talent and even a little inspiration.  You won't be sorry you stopped by!
Okay, here's the card for real this time :)
How CUTE is this?!
Image - Bugaboo Stamps Bugaboo Cowboy (CB Horse)
Papers - Denium & Bandana from HL; Black & White CS from my Stash
Technique - Magic Colored Pencil Technique & Acrylic Recycling (see Scrap-Friendzy for Tutorial)
Stamps/Ink - Basic Grey Horse & Horse Shoes/Stazon Jet Black
Other Stuff -  Googley Eyes :); Suede Fringe, Adirondack Lettuce Acrylic Paint; Leftover Hard Plastic Packaging; Flat Backed metal studs & Computer Generated Sentiment
Thanks so much for taking the time to stop by today!  As always I love your comments and think it's great that you find time to spend a little time in my creative paradise!
I hope you all have a fabulous weekend - we're due for a wet weekend, so I just may get a little scrappy time in and THAT excites me!  I'll have to try & get a photo of some new stuff my mom is up to too - once you see these, you're DEFINITELY want one!! :)
TGIF and Happy Craftin'!

Wednesday, April 21, 2010


Depends on a lot of things!  Over at Scrap-Friendzy, Carol challenged us to RECYCLE & REUSE with Earth Day tomorrow.  So, that's what I did!  In addition to Recycling & Reusing some Plastic packaging I got to use more of my STASH!  I absolutely LOVE when I can use my stash!!  And even better yet when I get to break out the zebra ribbon!!  WILD I tell U!!  This card just makes me laugh - another great Bugaboo Image - Good Ole Stella!  Jodie comes up with some of the best sentiments - this one says "Live, Love, Laugh, Just don't forget the Depends!"  Hence the "Depends...."  :o)

Image - Bugaboo Stamps - Stella
Papers - All kinds from my stash :)
Technique - Magic Colored Pencil Technique
Cuttlebug - D'Vine Swirls
Miscellaneous - FABULOUS Zebra Ribbon, Prima & Brad, RECYCLED Plastic embossed, Purple Paint and Dimensionals
Thanks so much for stoppin' by today!  Now to figure out just who I'll send this card to! :)
Have a fabulous hump day!
Happy Craftin'!

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Wedding Bells

Shelly's Images has a new release this week - Wedding Bells - perfect for a belated Wedding Card I needed to make.  FABULOUS!
Image - Shelly's Images - New Release Wedding Bells
Paper - All papers from my stash - cardstock & bazzill
Technique - Magic Colored Pencil Technique
Miscellaneous - EK Success Scallop Punch, Ribbon, Silver Doodling, Stickles (on the bells) & Dimensionals
We had a little hospital stay with my dad last night and into today.  Seems his feeding tube got REALLY plugged up.  So today, he got a new tube - an upgrade from what he originally had.  Anyway, he's home and doing good.  Hopefully we don't have to see the hospital for a while.
Thanks so much for stopping by today!  I hope you're all having a great Tuesday!
Happy Craftin'!

Saturday, April 17, 2010

Our favorite little Deere!

Deere you may ask, not Dear?  We have a little man in our family, Johnny who has John Deere Green in his blood!  This little birthday boy who is celebrating his birthday tomorrow and will be 3 tomorrow and  LOVES ANYTHING that is John Deere!  And because we didn't get him anything John Deere for his birthday, we had to get that Deere in there some how.  Well, this is what we came up with and to tell you the truth, I LOVE the way this turned out - I'm not a great "BOY" card maker, but this is perfect for him!!
Image - It's a coloring book image off the internet :o)
Paper - Kraft, Green, Yellow & Black from my stash
Technique - Magic Colored Pencil Technique
Cuttlebug - Distressed Stripes
Miscellaneous - Chestnut Roan Ink, Jute & Dimensionals
Computer Generated Sentiment
I have to share too - we went to my mom and dad's to work on the farm today - Glen, Glen's mom and I.  The Grass needed to be mowed, brush needed to be cut, flower beds needed to be cleaned out, pasture fences needed to be fixed after a winter of deer running thru them.  Anyway, around 4 or so, we heard gobbling.  Now, if you don't know the gobbling story, I'll try & keep it short.  A few years ago, my mom INSISTED that she saw TURKEYS in the trees on the front part of their property - there was no alcohol involved in the seeing of the turkeys in the trees (just had to include that disclaimer).  First of all, I didn't think turkeys could fly and honestly, I've never looked into whether or not they can, or weather or not they perch in trees.  My mom didn't have her camera at the time, so presently we've written it off as urban legend that we haven't been able to confirm. 
So today, we were taking a time out.  Mower needed gas, brush cutter needed gas and we all needed a beverage.  So, we hear gobbling and realize that there were turkeys in the back field of the neighbors property.  Luckily, I had my camera and snapped a few photos.  My mom joked that she was so happy I had my camera because my dad never believed her about the turkeys.  Now I believe in the Turkeys, just still unsure about Turkeys in Trees.  We counted 7 of them - 4 male (we thing b/c they were all 'puffed' up) and 3 female.
Yep, WILD TURKEY (no, not the stuff in the bottle, lol), real feather bearing, gobblin' wild turkeys (on the ground, not in the trees).
Happy Weekend - thanks so much for stickin' around for the blah blah blah Wild Turkey story.  lol
Happy Craftin'!  Hopin' to get a little scrapbookin' in tomorrow.  I just got the CUTEST photo of my cousins little girl Alexis in the mail today - Her one year photos I can't wait to scrap!!
Happy Almost Sunday!

Friday, April 16, 2010

Fabulous Freebie Friday!

Head over to Shelly's Images and pick up a Fabulous Freebie today!!  I've already gotten out my flip flops and sandals - truth be told, if I could wear them all year round, I would in a heart beat.....unfortunately with Michigan weather, come November, I'd bee losing digits to frost bite I fear.  Heck, even though it's mid-April, they're talking about snow flurries tonight....WHAT?! 
At least with this great image from Shelly I can dream about tropical weather and my feet in my funky & fun flip flops.  :)
For this card I used the TTT Challenge #2 at Shelly's Images - stop by and check it out.  Inspiration challenges are so much fun!!
Image - Shelly's Images Freebie Flip Flops (paper pieced)
Paper - Bazzill cardstock, kraft cardstock & left over Flair Designs printed papers
Cricut - Life's a Beach cart using card feature
Punch - Fiskars Apron Punch
Miscellanous - Orange paint on thong of flip flop, Chestnut Roan Ink, Studio G Tropical Paradise Stamp, $1 Bling from Michaels, Feltie flowers from Michaels, dimensionals on flip flops & sentiment
I love the way this turned out - I had something in mind, but it took a turn and became something even better than what I imagined. 
I LOVE projects like that!!!
TGIF!  Happy Friday! 
I hope you all have a wonderful weekend - we're headed to my folks again this weekend for more work around the farm - more fences, the grass needs mowing and flower beds need cleaning.  I'm sure at some point I'll be doing a little barn shoveling too! 
Hopin' for some craftin on Sunday!
Happy Craftin'!

Thursday, April 15, 2010

Knittin' Needles A Flyin'!

The weather has been so nice these past few days, it makes it hard to spend time inside and in my studio.  Carol had left a comment about a better photo of the blanket I posted earlier in the week, so I thought I'd share a little better photo as well as another knitting project I just finished the other day.  Here's the blanket - I hope to get it in the mail along with a boat load of other things that have been riding around in my car for a few weeks.......

And a second project - A new pair of felted slippers (minus the felting at this time) for my Sister at Heart Shelly.  I'd made her a pair a few years ago for Christmas and after much love and wearing, she has worn out the bottoms and needed a new pair.  So, these were my Survivor knitted pair of slippers (Shelly and I both love Survivor...our hubbies do too, so that's when I knitted these).
And that neat box with the red flowers on it - it's from my mom - she finds some of the neatest boxes.  I love these storage boxes and this new one is just FABULOUS!  Thanks Mom!
If you're looking for a fun challenge - make sure you stop by Shelly's Images - today is the Terrifically Thrilling Thursday Challenge.  The photos alone will make your day!
Thank you all for stopping by on this lovely day! I'm so glad you were able to spend a little part of your day here.
Happy Craftin'!

Tuesday, April 13, 2010


That's what we've been enjoying for the past few days (except of course for today which is RAINY!)
Bugaboo Stamps had a Saturday Challenge that asked you to use a BUG somewhere on your project.  I needed a few cute cards and have had these little lady bug brads FOR-EVER.  A PERFECT Fit, woudln't you say?  And I have a new found affection for Red and you go thru phases "FAVORITE" color combos?!  I think this is the FAV of the week!!  My apologies ahead of time if I Red & Turquoise you out this week!!  HA HA
Technique - Magic Colored Pencil Technique
Paper - Doodlebug Strips (lots of bugs around here this week!), other cardstock from my stash
Miscellaneous - Ladybug Brad (eyelet outlet), Stickles, Sunshine Stamp - Studio G, Ribbon - from my stash, Flat Backed Orange Pearls
Thanks so much for stoppin' by today and for your kind comments!  I always love hearing from you!
Happy Craftin'!

Saturday, April 10, 2010

Bugaboo Baby Gift

I wanted to share a project that I've been working on for several months after finding out that my husband's cousin was expecting her third baby.  This is my 'sports therapy' hobby.  We watch lots of sports during the winter (not much else to do in cold, snowy Michigan in the winter).  This is the second blanket I made this winter - the first was for my new niece, and of course, I FORGOT to take a photo.  The pattern in this blanket is called a "Basket Weave" and I love how it turned out.
And then there's the new baby card!  I didn't have any baby worthy images, but lucky Jodie at Bugaboo Stamps has eyes in my studio and created this adorable baby image!
Paper - Dots:  Doodlebug; Cardstock - Coredinations and miscellaneous cardstock from my stash
Technique - Magic Colored Pencil Technique & Embossing using Cuttlebug
Flowers - Primas
Punch - Fiskars Threading Water Punch
Miscellaneous - Velvet ribbon (Michaels), Brads, miscellaneous from stash, Googley eyes (of course) and Stickles (you can't really see them, but they're on the moon and the cloud.
Thanks so much for stopping by today!  I hope you're having a great weekend.  We've got a few items on our To Do list this weekend (including enjoying some sunshine and nice weather on the deck.
Happy Craftin'!

Friday, April 9, 2010


So today we're doing the happy, celebration dance.  Today at noon is my dad's LAST radiation treatment!!
He has been such a trooper through all of this.  We're still not at the end of everything, he still has a surgery coming up, but we're 1/2 way through all this.  We are SO PROUD of him!
Of course, we have to celebrate and who celebrates better than good 'ole Stella from Bugaboo Stamps.
HA HA!  I love this lady!  She has such a way with words (and facial expressions!!)  I'm sure my dad will get a kick out of her too!!
You can't really tell but the balloon, bow and two party hats are popped up on dimensionals - It looks SUPER cute in person!
Image - Bugaboo Stamps Stella - She really looks like she'd be hollerin' WOO HOO, doesn't she?!  LOL
Paper - PP - Doodlebug prints, Orange, Teal, Black & Green Cardstock from my stash
Technique - Magic Colored Pencil Technique
Miscellaneous - Dimensionals for Hats, Balloons & Bow on package; Stickles, Flat Backed Black Pearls, Doodling and Computer Generated Sentiment.
On the Inside it says:  "I'm the life of the party, even if it lasts til 8 pm!"
Thanks so much for stopping by today and 'celebrating' with us today! 
I hope you have a terrific weekend - we've got a few things to get done around the house this weekend, so we're hoping to make some progress.
Happy Craftin'!

Thursday, April 8, 2010

It's a Terrifically Thrilling Thursday....

at Shelly's Images!!  Join us for a great Terrifically Thrilling Thursday Challenge - we'll get your creativity going and even better yet, give you a chance to WIN some of Shelly's Images for FREE - that's the best kind!!!!  Stop by HERE for all the details.
Here's my sneeky peeky for you - isn't this Carousel Horse just adorable??
Paper - SI flowers & stripes; Inked/Painted Chipboard, Orange Bazzill
Technique - Magic Colored Pencil Technique
Cuttlebug - Embossing/Distressing
Miscellaneous - Pool paint; Dark Peony Ink, BLING, Ribbon from my stash, Happy Day Studio G Stamp & Doodling
Thanks so much for stopping by today! 
I hope you have a Terrifically Thrilling Thursday!
Happy Craftin'!

Wednesday, April 7, 2010


My, what a sweet surprise when I visited a few of my favorite blogs today (I'm about 2 weeks behind check in with my faves......).  I have to thank Chery and Yvonne
for these fabulous awards!  Here I go with my grammy speech - LOL!  If you haven't been to either of these talented ladies blogs, you won't be sorry you've stopped by!  Cheryl has just some of the most adorable cards I've ever seen and Yvonne, WOW, I wish I could combine challenges like she does - this girl is crazy when it comes to challenge combining - and the projects she creates - HOLY MOLEY!!!   

I always have such a tough time giving awards because there are so many great blogs out there.  With these two awards, I want to pass them on to all my fabulous followers as a THANK YOU for stopping by and visiting and for all your lovely comments and support!  You are all Beautiful!!
Happy Craftin'!

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

A "HOPPIN" weekend!

Whew, not sure about your weekends, but ours sure was hoppin!  Things have been crazy busy around our house - good crazy busy, but HOLY COW!  Crazy Busy to the point I needed to come back to work for a day off  (WAY SO KIDDING!!!).  So, I've been trying to finish this post since Sunday such luck. The weather was fabulous on Friday so my hubby and I spent all day at my folks working on the farm, Saturday we did the 'stuff' around the house, got things ready for Easter that we were bringing, etc and Sunday, we enjoyed Easter with my hubby's family and my mom.  Dad's been doing okay, we just didn't want him exposed to germs this weekend, as today he begins white cell booster shots because of low white blood cell counts.
I thought I'd share a few photos we took for my dad so he knew we were thinking about him.  :)
This was one of our surprise wanna-be dinner guests - if my hubby would have opened the door, he would have come right in, watched the ball game and shared a can of nuts with my father in law.  Actually, we think this fella was trying to get my brother in laws portion of my family famous 'Basa and Kraut!
This was the photo of all of us that we went to my dad and my brother in law who couldn't make it for dinner.
And of course we had to take a picture with the kids - they had SO MUCH FUN.  My mother in law actually got a pinata for the kids (in addition to the Easter Egg hunt).  This photo was BEFORE the Pinata.
And This was the Pinata - yep, four kids with plastic bats and they ALL wanted to hit it at the same time, but they were good about taking turns.
CANDY!!!  (This is one of my favorite!)
And with all the Easter Candy Craziness and General Craziness, yep, I still found a LITTLE time in my studio to make a few last minute Easter Cards.
Image - A Freebie Cutie Mini-Set from Bugaboo Stamps (Jodie gives out so much great free stuff - Aren't these Bunnies just too adorable?!)
Paper - Turquoise CS from stash, Pink & Orange Bazzill & Doodlebug Dots
Technique - Magic Colored Pencil Technique
Ribbon - Orange Ribbon - Michaels
Felt Flower & Leaves - Felt Flowers from Michaels
Punches - Fiskars Apron & EK Success Scallop
Miscellaneous - doodling
Thanks so much for stopping by today - I hope you had a terrific Easter!
Hopefully I'll get a little scrappy time in my studio tonight - it was so nice yesterday when I got home, we spent the evening outside - I cleaned out my car and then we hung out on the deck.
Today, it's rainy - perfect day for some studio time!
I've got some great new images my sis Shelly at Shelly's Images drew that I want to get my colored pencils on!.  You can check out all her great images at Shelly's Images.  She just started a blog too and is having a design team call AND a fun freebie contest!!  You can check out the blog and all the details HERE
Happy Craftin'!