It's hard to believe that it's been a month today that my dad has been in the hospital. We are hoping that the light we're seeing is the one at the end of the tunnel and we can move closer to the surgery dad was 3 days short of having. I can't imagine there are many more tests my dad can possibly have that he hasn't already had! Poor guy, but he hasn't complained once (except when the head shrinkers came in and made him think he was crazy. . . . he's not, he's VERY on top of things - even made the shrink THINK today - now, THAT was funny!!) He's such a strong man - the strongest I've ever met!!
I feel like such a terrible blogger lately. I miss having the time to see what all you wonderfully crafty folks are doing on your blogs! The hospital that my dad is at is about an hour and fifteen minutes from where we live, 40 minutes from where I work, so every morning I go into the hospital before work, spend a few hours with my dad, talk with his doctors and find out what's on tap for the day. Then off to work I go. I've been working a little later than usual to make up for the hours I'm out (trying to save some vacation time for after his surgery when we all take a well deserved vacation to ARUBA - Dad's FAVORITE place). Anyway, most nights by the time I get through traffic, when I get home I've been so drained, I can't even DRAG myself to my studio or even to the computer most nights.
From the update we got today, we are hoping everything goes smooth the next few days and that dad continues to recoup and recover. We're HOPING the esophagectomy happens a week from tomorrow. Today was the bronchoscopy and the echocardialgram. Yep, full schedule.
My mom and I have been doing lots of knitting while 'hanging around' the hospital - travels easy and it all fits in a small bag. Speaking of bags, yep, that's what I've been knitting - these knifty cotton market/beach bags. The photo isn't the best and don't really do it justice, but you can pack a TON of stuff in these little babies - towels, sun screen & scrappy magazines if you're headed to the beach and lots of yummy summer finds if you're headed to the farmers market!
They are just WONDERFUL - reuseable, washable and SUPER CUTE!! - if you love them and want one, I've been selling them for $15 and am happy to knit one in the colors you'd like. Leave me a comment here and we'll get you taken care of. Gotta have something to keep knitting!
Glen and I laugh that after this is all said and done, I should have my honorary Medical Degree or at least my RN certification!! I've learned more about esophaguses, gallbladders, intestinal & bowel systems, hemoglobin & red blood cells, white blood cells, cancer, radiation, chemo, colons, lungs, fluids, fevers, blood pressures, stomachs, scopes, anti-nausea meds, antibiotics, TPN, feeding tubes, gallbladder drainage tubes, dressings (nope, not turkey day dressings either), oxygen saturation, heart rates and temperatures than I ever expected I'd learn. I was a BAD Science student growing up (not intrested in science) - but I joked with Glen that I really should listened and learned more in science class growing up. Guess there's never a time like the present, huh?
I've had the chance here and there to tinker with some digi-images (not much, but a little bit) and I even had some time yesterday after we got back from the hospital to actually create a scrapbook page! Holy Christmas, it's been like FOREVER since I've done that!!
This is my nephew Colin and his new baby sister, my niece Natalie (this was taken in February - yep, been that long since I've done much in way of layouts!!). Aren't they just PRECIOUS?! :)
"He Adores You"
Papers - Kraft & Coredinations, Patterned Papers - Making Memories (isn't it just too cute??)
Techniques - Doodling, Accordian & Dryer Sheet flowers
Die Cut - Cricut - Storybook & Ashlyn's Alphabet
Extra STUFF - MS Punch (Cheryl did a LO with this punch and it was a
MUST ADD to my collection), BLING (from M's), Prima Flower Centers, individual letters for title & date, tulle for flower.

The blue flowers are actually used dryer sheets that have been spritzed with a little tattered angel mist.
I learned how to make those flowers a few months ago based on a tutorial that one of my
Scrap-Friendzy design team sista's created. Pretty neat, huh?? You'll likely see this same photo on another layout. Of course now with a niece and nephew - cute sibling photos like this must be in both albums (before they hate having their photos taken together, you know?).
This layout was created while playing along with the
Camp-Friendzy Nature challenge. Yep, got my Nature Badge! If you haven't joined us over at
Camp-Friendzy, please do, even though the contest part of the summer is already off and running, there are more challenges than you can shake a stick at and chances to WIN prizes too! So, come on over, join us, get inspired, meet some fabulously crafty (and chatty) girlfriendz and enjoy camp!
Thanks for listening to all the blah blah blah today (yep, long winded lately too) and thank you all too for your thoughts and prayers. We are truly blessed to have friends and family for support and prayers. I hope to be able to post a few more things in the next few days (Most the cards I've been making lately have been funny ones for my dad). :)
I hope you all had a wonderful holiday weekend and aren't melting with all this crazy heat & humidity. WHEW - the walk into work felt like I was moving in slow motion today. I hope to get to all your blogs very soon - I really do miss seeing what kind of amazing things you're creating!