Monday, May 24, 2010

Where did the Weekend go?

So, we found ourselves home the entire weekend and yet, I got absolutely NOTHING crafty done.......While it rained a good part of the day Saturday and it would have been a perfect day for getting scrappy, Glen and I ended up hauling 30-25 gallon bags of wood chips to an area we've recently cleaned out in the back yard.  Whew.  Of course, the rain let up about the time we were ready to load the chips and the humidity kicked up.  UGH!  It looks terrific.  I'll be sure to take a photo once we get the flowers planted and the project finished.  We capped off our hard work Saturday night with a movie night - we FINALLY watched The Hangover.....yep, we've had the DVD since Christmas and finally cracked it open Saturday night!  'Bout time, huh?  Glen and I are still laughing!  :)
Yesterday I had a chance to spend some time with my favorite nephew and niece (and Amy and Susan too).  We enjoyed lunch at Stir Fry, taught my nephew how to get the sugary liquid out of the wax bottles (come on, you all remember the little wax shaped cola bottles with the sugar 'juice' inside them?  The ones you had to chew the wax to get to the juice?)  With a little trial & error, we figured it out (not sure Colin was super thrilled after all the time (and spitting wax into his napkin) it took to get to that small burst of 'juice'.  We also went with Colin to get his 'hair did'.
Aunt Min's Favorite Kidd-Os
Colin getting the hang of the wax 'juice' bottles - This is the spitting of the wax photo - LOL!
My Super Adorable Niece - LOVE those baby rolls!  (she was telling me a great story!) :)
Stylish Colin with his new spikey doo!
Here's a little nature photo we captured last evening - we have a family of birds that are living in the pine trees just off our deck - the babies have been in and out.  Here's the daddy (I think since he's a bit more brightly colored than the other bird we see ducking in and out of the nest).  He was singing and just as I went to snap the photo, he thought he needed to take off.  This is infact the bird that has been teasing our kitties like crazy.  He sits on the deck and sings - stays close enough he can hear them chattering.  It's actually quite funny to watch!
Don't mind the photo - tinkering a bit with my photo editing software.  :)
So, here's to some scrappy time tonight - we've got a few season finales and series finales on tap tonight- 24's series finale......sure hope it's good!  Hopefully I'll have a little SOMETHING to share tomorrow (or maybe even tonight).  I feel like a crafty slouch lately!
Oh, and before I forget, today is Marvelous Monday at Shelly's Images.  A lovely May Flowers new release digi-stamp has arrived today.  If you haven't been over to the blog today, be sure to stop by and take a gander.  The girlz on the DT have done a fabulous job with this new image!!  I hope to join them tonight with a little ditty!
Happy Monday!



    (Okay, I'm partial.)


  2. Great pics Min, I can see why you adore those kids they are so cute! Sounds like you had a great weekend! Thanks for sharing a little bit of you with all of us.


Thank you so much for taking the time to visit my little sliver of Paradise.
I love reading your comments!!!
Hugs & Happy Days! ~Min